lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


I had recently the rewarding opportunity to listen during 4 weeks  speeches from some managers in my company. I will detail the most interesting phrases that I heard.

Company improvement

"It is not needed to be perfect, we should be only better than the competitors"

"A person is unique and irreplaceable"

"Everything that is good for the society, it is as well good for the company"

"Vision, leadership and cooperation is needed to invent a better future"

"The employees - blue collar or factory workers -are not ressources, they are actors"

"The innovation will attract the  growth"

"The  brand creates value for the company.. And value is compulsory to create growth"

"All the company employees are our brand ambassadors"

"Start small, think big and move fast"

"Keep it simple and make it happen"

"A manager should have leadership, steer the performance and develop the people"

Personal improvement

"When a fact contradict the theory, we should opt for the fact"
"About your teams, let´s them speak and encourage their initiatives" 

"The habit does not do the monk"

" Do your best, keep discreet and maintain your sense of humour in any circumstance"

"It is not needed to know everything. The need to know can distract you to be focused"

"We should love what we do and with who we are doing it. To progress professionally, we should have fiability, humility and disponibility"

"Focus on agility, simplification and affordability"

"...and be always accountable"

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